Fadeev, Aleksandr. 1901-1956 (see Writers - Fadeev, Aleksandr. 1901-1956.)

Famous People on Stamps

- Indices

Alphabetical index of personalities: 1918-1972. Joseph Stein. May/1976, p. 66.

Federation of Czechoslovak Philatelists

Federation of Czechoslovak philatelists honorary members. Dominick J. Riccio. Feb/1979, p. 30.

New Federation of Czechoslovak Philatelists formulates its task. Ladislav H. Vydra. Mar/1966, p. 55.

Fibich, Zdeněk. 1850-1900 [Fibich, Zdenek] (see Musicians - Fibich, Zdeněk. 1850-1900.)

Field Post

Brave soldierFranz Porsche. Lubor Kunc. Summer/2021, p. 16.

Field posts during the War of 1866. Miroslav Vostatek. Oct/1980, p. 3.

Good soldier Svejk censor? Ludvik Z. Svoboda. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 23.

Imperial and royal heavy artillery. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 30.

Insured letters of the Czechoslovak Legion in Russia. Lubor Kunc. Summer/2020, p. 30.

Military postal history of Czechoslovakia. Joseph W. Lowey. Dec/1944, p. 4; Sep/1944, p. 4; Oct/1944, p. 5; Nov/1944, p. 2; Jan/1945, p. 3.

Pilsner Thirty-Fivers at Mainz. Václav Konstant, translated by Henry Hahn. Mar/Apr/1996, p. 12.

Soldier's letter. Ludvik Z. Svoboda, translated by Lucie Harris. Summer/2019, p. 22.

Summer letter to Santa. Henry Hahn. Jun/1988, p. 1.

Wars, field post offices and Czechoslovaks, 1878-1921. Lubor Kunc. Jan/Feb/2002, p. 3; May/Jun/2002, p. 26; Jul/Aug/2002, p. 23; Sep/Oct/2002, p. 29; Nov/Dec/2002, p. 24.

Wars, field post offices and Czechoslovaks, epilogue 1. Lubor Kunc, Robert T. Cossaboom, Vernon W. Von der Heydt. Jan/Feb/2003, p. 15.

Wars, field post offices and Czechoslovaks, epilogue 2. Lubor Kunc. Mar/Apr/2003, p. 18.

- 1914-1921

Armored train number five. Tomáš Morovics, translated by Frances Svoboda. Aug/Sep/1989, p. 4.

Czechoslovak field post 1918-1921. reviewed by Jaroslav J. Verner. Jul/Aug/2002, p. 29.

Czechoslovak field posts of 1918-1920. Bohumil Matějka. Nov/1966, p. 141; Jun/1967, p. 81; May/1969, p. 67; Jun/1969, p. 83.

Czechoslovak field posts: 1918-20. Bohumil Matějka. Mar/1969, p. 38.

Czechoslovak military command in Triest during 1918-1919. Piero Santangelo, translated by Peter Z. Kleskovic. Sep/Oct/2004, p. 22.

Field post epitaph. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Mirko L. Vondra. Sep/1987, p. 1.

Forester's tale. Keith Tranner. Mar/Apr/2001, p. 3.

From the editor's notebook. Richard M. Major. May/1981, p. 4.

Glimpse of the 30th regiment at Vysoký Mýt. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Mirko L. Vondra. Nov/Dec/1991, p. 7.

Mail from the 22nd Czechoslovak regiment. Petr Reiniš, translated by Frances Svoboda. Jan/Feb/1991, p. 11.

Philately of the Good Soldier Švejk. translated by Henry Hahn. Mar/Apr/1991, p. 12.

Posta Militare 52: Czechoslovak field posts of 1918-1920. Bohumil Matějka. Dec/1968, p. 146.

Unit postmarks of the Czechoslovak field post, 1918-1920. Jiří Nekvasil. Feb/1975, p. 22.

- 1936-1945

1938 field post money order markings. Vladimír Dražan, translated by Paul Sturman. Feb/1980, p. 1.

Coded telegrams. Lubor Kunc. Jan/Feb/1995, p. 7.

Czechoslovak army field post in 1938. Vratislav. Palkoska, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 1.

Czechoslovak exiled forces - World War II. William Alec Page. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 5.

Czechoslovak field post 1938. Stig Asklund. Jan/Feb/1991, p. 14.

Czechoslovak field post in Western Bohemia in 1945. Miroslav Vostatek. Mar/1987, p. 1.

Czechoslovak field posts of 1938. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Jul/Aug/1996, p. 16.

Ending of field activities in 1938. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Apr/1982, p. 1.

Field Post 26. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Nov/Dec/1995, p. 20.

Field post 26 of 1938. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Jan/1981, p. 3.

Field posts of Czechoslovak soldiers, 1936-1945. Vratislav. Palkoska, translated by Lawrence J. Huml. Apr/1972, p. 49.

Philatelic news and views. Richard Beith. Sep/Oct/2003, p. 32.

Sorting station no. 4. Miroslav Vostatek. Aug/Sep/1989, p. 7.

Special parcels. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Mirko L. Vondra. Feb/1989, p. 13.

Václav Procházka, military hero. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Mirko L. Vondra. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 15.

- - Bohemia and Moravia

Italian WWII POWs in the Protectorate. Piero Santangelo, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Jul/Aug/2003, p. 3.

- - Cancels (see Cancels - By Type - Field Post.)

- Eastern Silesia

Field posts from the Tešin region of 1919. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Oct/1982, p. 1.

- France

Charley's corner. Charley Chesloe. Sep/1986, p. 1.

Czech field posts. George A. Blizil. Oct/1954, p. 115.

Czechoslovak field posts in France, 1939-1940. Joseph W. Lowey. Dec/1947, p. 101.

Haller's Army in France [in Philatelic news and views]. reviewed by Paul Valasek. Jan/Feb/2007, p. 21.

- - 1944. ČSR Zahraniční Pošta

1944 Č.S.R. overprints on French stamps. Richard Beith, Robert J. Hill. Jul/Aug/2004, p. 21.

- German

- - Bohemia-Moravia

German military mail in Czechoslovakia, 1938-1945. Benjamin R. Beede. Dec/1967, p. 157.

SS feldpost labels from Bohemia-Moravia. Benjamin R. Beede. Apr/1965, p. 54.

- - Slovakia

Feldpostkarte from Slovakia. Benjamin R. Beede. Apr/1965, p. 59.

Slovak legion mail, World War II. Benjamin R. Beede.

- Great Britain

American and British field post offices in western Bohemia in 1945. Lubor Kunc. Jul/Aug/2005, p. 21.

Charley's corner. Charley Chesloe. Sep/1986, p. 1; Jan/1987, p. 12; Feb/1987, p. 8.

Czech field posts. George A. Blizil. Oct/1954, p. 115.

Czecho-Slovak army field posts. Joseph W. Lowey. Dec/1941, p. 4.

Czecho-Slovak army field posts. Lolly M. Horechny. Jan/1942, p. 3.

Czechoslovak army field post in Great Britain, 1940-1945. Vladimír J. Králíček. Nov/Dec/1994, p. 14.

Czechoslovak army in England. Joseph W. Lowey. Sep/1941, p. 3; May/1943, p. 1; Jun/1943, p. 1; Sep/1943, p. 6; Jun/1944, p. 2.

Czechoslovak fieldpost in Great Britain. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Mirko L. Vondra. Apr/1987, p. 6; May/1987, p. 6; Jun/1987, p. 10.

Czechoslovaks in England during World War II. Richard G Palaschak. Winter/2019, p. 4.

Dolfa Bartošík, 1907-1989, designér of special cancellers. William Alec Page. May/Jun/1992, p. 10.

Latest commemorative postmark of the Czechoslovak army in England... Lolly M. Horechny. Feb/1942, p. 2.

Military postal history of Czechoslovakia. Joseph W. Lowey. Jan/1945, p. 6; Feb/1945, p. 12.

Philatelic activities of the Czechoslovak army in Britain. George A. Blizil. Feb/1946, p. 13; Mar/1946, p. 21; Apr/1946, p. 28.

Postmarks of the Czechoslovak field post in England and their varieties. K.F. Pesak. Mar/1980, p. 11.

President's corner. Charley Chesloe. Mar/1990, p. 9.

Statistics on field post in Great Britain. Vladimír J. Králíček. Jul/Aug/1993, p. 5.

- Hungary

Has a two year's quest come to an end? William Reiner-Deutsch. Feb/1959, p. 19.

- Italy

Czechoslovak legionnaires in Padova. Piero Santangelo, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. May/Jun/2002, p. 20.

Czechoslovak resistance in Italy 1944-45. Piero Santangelo, translated by Peter Z. Kleskovic. Jan/Feb/2004, p. 3; Mar/Apr/2004, p. 3.

Not only pošta militaire 52. Piero Santangelo, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Nov/Dec/2000, p. 24.

Posta Militare 52: Czechoslovak field posts of 1918-1920. Bohumil Matějka. Sep/1968, p. 109; Oct/1968, p. 119.

Prisoners of war in Italy during world war II. Piero Santangelo, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Nov/Dec/2005, p. 28; Jan/Feb/2006, p. 19.

- Romania

Romania during WW II and Romanian troops in Czechoslovakia in 1945. Lubor Kunc. Nov/Dec/2005, p. 20.

- Romanian Occupation

Romanian Army units in Slovakia during World War II. Richard G Palaschak. Winter/2021, p. 7.

- Siberia (see also Prague Lion Issue; Silhouette Issue.)

Adventures of Otto Holmes. Otto Hornung. Jan/1987, p. 7.

Charley's corner. Charley Chesloe. Nov/1979, p. 150; Feb/1989, p. 4.

Czech legion in Russia: from the beginning of 1914 to its homebound voyage in 1920. Horst Taitl, reviewed by Henry Hahn. Sep/Oct/1993, p. 11.

Czechoslovak army in Russia and Siberia -1918-1920. Joseph J. Jiranek. Apr/1958, p. 55; May/1958, p. 77.

Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia. Otto Hornung. Oct/1986, p. 7.

Czechoslovak legion in Siberia. Jan Mrňák, translated by Joseph J. Janečka. Feb/1970, p. 21.

Editorial. William Reiner-Deutsch. Apr/1963, p. 50; Feb/1964, p. 21.

Fakes of Czechoslovak field post covers from Siberia. Jaroslav J. Verner. Feb/1962, p. 20.

Field post of Czechoslovak and allied armies in Siberia, and other postage stamps. Antonín Novotný, translated by Frank J. Kovarik. Jul/1939, p. 1; Aug/1939, p. 2; Sep/1939, p. 4; Oct/1939, p. 3; Nov/1939, p. 4.

From the editor's stock book. Henry Hahn. Dec/1986, p. 7.

How were they printed? František Novotný. Mar/1958, p. 42.

Letters to the editor. Jaroslav J. Verner. Jan/1985, p. 11.

Mail goes through: a Siberian trip report. Jaroslav J. Verner. Mar/Apr/1999, p. 1.

March of the 80,000: story of the field post of the Czechoslovak army in Siberia. William Leslie Russell. Sep/1954, p. 101; Oct/1954, p. 123.

New find - ten years later. Zdeněk Kvašnička, translated by Jaroslav J. Verner. May/1964, p. 78.

New type of Siberian lions. Jan Mrňák, translated by Ladislav H. Vydra. May/1967, p. 76.

Siberian silhouettes - 70 years later. Tomáš Morovics, translated by Adolf Hujer. May/Jun/1991, p. 3.

Siberian travel voucher. Jaroslav J. Verner. Mar/Apr/1995, p. 17.

Stamps of the Czechoslovak field post in Russia. Ervin Hirsch, Jaroslav Franěk, translated by Frank J. Kovarik. Oct/1940, p. 4; Nov/1940, p. 4; Dec/1950, p. 131; Sep/1950, p. 93; Oct/1950, p. 106; Nov/1950, p. 118.

Stamps of the Czechoslovakian field post in Russia - things known and unknown. Zdeněk Kvašnička, translated by Jaroslav J. Verner. Dec/1962, p. 144.

Two Czech officers from Siberia. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 14.

- - Air Mail

Siberian legion - air mail? Jaroslav J. Verner. Jan/Feb/1997, p. 3.

- - Counterfeits and Forgeries

Editorial. William Reiner-Deutsch. Mar/1963, p. 33.

- Slovak

1939 Field Post of Slovakia. Victor Indra, translated by Henry Hahn. Mar/1970, p. 33.

Slovakia field post, 1941-1944. Victor Indra, translated by V. Ladd. Mar/1971, p. 33.

- Slovakia

Slovak field post during World War II. Richard G Palaschak. Spring/2021, p. 13.

- Soviet Union

- - 1939-1945. World War II

Czechoslovak field post in the Soviet Union. Walter J. Rauch. Dec/1990, p. 8; Oct/1990, p. 1; Nov/1990, p. 3.

- - 1968. Operation Danube

Field post of the Soviet army in Czechoslovakia in 1968. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Henry Hahn. Nov/Dec/1997, p. 18.

Soviets' Operation Danube. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Jul/Aug/1994, p. 3.

- Study Groups

Czech field post section founded. Lubor Kunc. May/Jun/2001, p. 1.

- Sub-Carpatho Ukraine

Blue field post 46 cancellation. Josef Takef, translated by Jaroslav J. Verner. Jul/Aug/1994, p. 10.

- Sudetenland

German Occupations VI: Sudetenland. Paul S. Greenlaw, Shirley M. Greenlaw. Nov/Dec/2006, p. 20.

- United States

American and British field post offices in western Bohemia in 1945. Lubor Kunc. Jul/Aug/2005, p. 21.

Newly discovered U.S. army APO letter. Henry Hahn. Aug/Sep/1989, p. 10.

U.S. Army post offices in Czechoslovakia. Edward J. Benchik. Mar/1967, p. 43; Feb/1988, p. 9.

U.S. Army post offices in Czechoslovakia. Richard M. Major. Mar/1983, p. 9.

Fiewelsohn, Norbert

Closed abums. Edward J. Benchik. Nov/1970, p. 142.

Filatelie Orbis

Orbis. Filatelie Orbis. Nov/1949, p. 115.

Filatelie [Journal]

From the editor's stock book. Henry Hahn. Oct/1974, p. 123.

Philatelic journals in the Czech Republic. Miloslav Vlček. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 29.

Philatelic news and views. Filatelie [Journal], Lubor Kunc. May/Jun/2009, p. 24.

Filatelisticka Revue [Journal]

Newsy harvest is gleaned from the society activities. Joseph W. Lowey. Jun/1939, p. 3.

Films (see Cinema.)


- 1986. 60th Anniversary

- - Souvenir Sheet

Discovery of a type of the imperforate souvenir sheet "60 years of FIP" Scott 2609/POFIS A2747A. J. Brožová, translated by Frank A. Garancovsky, Ludvik Z. Svoboda. May/Jun/2002, p. 12.

Printing varieties in PRAGA 1988 - 60th FIP anniversary souvenir sheet. Henry Hahn. Jan/1988, p. 8.

Souvenir sheet varieties. Frank A. Garancovsky. Mar/Apr/2002, p. 15.

- Congress

- - 69th

Washington 2006, PRAGA 2008 and the 69th FIP congress. Lumír Brendl, translated by Jaroslav J. Verner. Sep/Oct/2006, p. 11.

Fire Engines

Modern postal history. Lubor Kunc. Jul/Aug/2004, p. 18.

Firearms, Historical

- 1969. Pistols and Revolvers

Historical firearms. M. Michálek. Oct/1970, p. 120.

- 1970. Cannons and Field Guns

Historical firearms. Edward J. Benchik. Feb/1971, p. 22.

First Day Covers

FDC validity. J Krátký, translated by Lucie Harris. Summer/2017, p. 11.

První den vydání or first day cover. Ludvik Z. Svoboda, Lubor Kunc. Spring/2016, p. 21.

What is a Czechoslovak first day cover? Keith Hart. Winter/2024, p. 5.

First Postage Stamp

- 1948. 30th Anniversary

Check list of the second republic [Title varies]. Frank J. Kovarik. Jan/1950, p. 11.

- Great Britain

- - 1990. 150th Anniversary

Revised 1990 schedule of new issues. Gerald M. van Zanten. Jun/Jul/1990, p. 14.

Fischer, Karel

Some rare Košice items in the collection of Karel Fischer. Henry Hahn. Mar/Apr/2003, p. 3.

Fischmeister, Ladislav V. 1923-2003

Ladislav Fischmeister. Henry Hahn. Jul/Aug/2003, p. 10.


Czechoslovak flag. Vladimír Palic. Sep/1943, p. 1.

Flags on Stamps

Letters to the editor. Karel Josef Ruzicka. Sep/Oct/2000, p. 41.

Fleischer, Vladimir

Closed album [Title varies]. Henry Hahn. Jan/1984, p. 4.


- 1967. Botanical Gardens

- - Perforation Error

Letters to the editor. Marko V. Bělej. Jan/Feb/1994, p. 25.

- Cornflower

Modern postal history. Lubor Kunc. Jul/Aug/2004, p. 18.

- Dahlia

- - Czech

Modern postal history. Lubor Kunc. Jul/Aug/2004, p. 18.

Flynn, Pat L.

Closed abums. Edward J. Benchik. Nov/1970, p. 142.

Fnadschek, Fritz

Forester's tale. Keith Tranner. Mar/Apr/2001, p. 3.

Fokker Aircraft

Fokker or ANT9 or what? Richard Beith. May/Jun/2001, p. 27; Sep/Oct/2001, p. 7; Nov/Dec/2001, p. 2.

Under no circumstances is that a Fokker. Zdeněk Fritz, translated by Vladimír J. Králíček. Mar/Apr/2001, p. 30.

Folk Architecture

- Čičmany [Cicmany]

Let's visit Čičmany. Gerald M. van Zanten. Nov/Dec/2004, p. 17.

- Wooden Churches

Czech wooden churches. Savoy Horvath. Nov/Dec/2008, p. 18.

Folk Art

- 1963. Folk Motifs

Commemorative stamps with folk art motifs. F.S. K. Nov/1963, p. 131.

- 1974. Folk Art Targets

Czech folk targets: hidden aims. Frederick Highland. Mar/Apr/2008, p. 9.

Historical shooting targets. Gerald M. van Zanten. Jul/Aug/1996, p. 24.

Folk Costumes Issues

- Čičmany [Cicmany]

Let's visit Čičmany. Gerald M. van Zanten. Nov/Dec/2004, p. 17.

Folk Heroes

- Jánošík, Juraj. 1688-1713 [Janosik, Juraj]

- - Jánošík [Film] [Janosik]

Slovak Robin Hood, Juraj Jánošík: legend or fiction? Frank A. Garancovsky. Sep/Oct/2004, p. 30.

Folklore Festivals

- 1997. Východná

Slovak s/s varieties. Frank A. Garancovsky. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 9.

Folklore Masks

Expo '70 Osaka. Edward J. Benchik. Jan/1971, p. 10.

Food Service Tax Stamps

Interesting use of postage stamps. Miroslav Vostatek. Dec/1982, p. 4;

Urban import food stuffs tax stamps for the large cities of Czechoslovakia. J. Ješetický, translated by Joseph J. Jiranek. May/1959, p. 70; Jun/1976, p. 89; Sep/1976, p. 109.

Urban import food stuffs tax stamps for the large cities of Czechoslovakia. Victor Indra, translated by Anna Jane Sterba. Jun/1978, p. 81.

Forced Labor Camps

Dark side to Jachymov: postscript to the romantic pedigree of the dollar. Savoy Horvath. May/Jun/2007, p. 8.

Jáchymov redo. Ludvik Z. Svoboda. Winter/2014, p. 20.

Forensic Science

Purkyně's contribution to crime detection. William Leslie Russell. Jan/1965, p. 13.

Forest and Mountain Animals Issue

- 1963

Mirko Hanák, designer of Czechoslovakia animal stamps. Helena Hodkova. Jan/1965, p. 12.

Forever Stamps (see also Non Denominated Postage.)

Forever Stamps [Slovak]

Philatelic news and views. Peter Z. Kleskovic. Mar/Apr/2008, p. 26.


- Exhibitions (see Exhibitions. France.)

Frank, Karl Herman (see Cancels - By Person - Frank, Karl Herman.)

Franking, Handwritten (see Handwritten Franking.)

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary. 1863-191

Crown prince Franz Ferdinand. Miroslav Vostatek, translated by Jaroslav J. Verner. Nov/Dec/1994, p. 15.

Franzensbad Issue (see Provisional and Revolutionary Overprints, 1945.)

Freer, Phillips B.

Editorial hinges. Mirko L. Vondra. Jul/Aug/1992, p. 21; Nov/Dec/1996, p. 24.

Letters to the editor. Richard G Palaschak. Sep/Oct/2003, p. 33.

Member of the month. Mirko L. Vondra. Aug/Sep/1989, p. 11.

Freer, Phillips B. 1910-2009

Closed albums. Ludvik Z. Svoboda. Summer/2010, p. 1.


- With Soviet Union

- - 1948. 5th Anniversary Alliance Treaty

Check list of the second republic [Title varies]. Frank J. Kovarik. Jan/1950, p. 9.

- - 1953. Month of Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship

Month of Czechoslovak-Soviet friendship 1953 commemorative issue. August J. Hrivnak. Nov/1954, p. 133.

Fritzsche, Wolfgang

Final tribute to Fritzsche. Gustav A. Pohlig. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 12.

Letters to the editor. Wolfgang Fritzsche. Jul/Aug/1991, p. 20.

Member of the month. Gerald M. van Zanten. Sep/1987, p. 10.

Obituary. Mirko L. Vondra. Jul/Aug/1994, p. 2.

President's corner. Charley Chesloe. Jul/Aug/1991, p. 16.

- Vitae

Postal stationery column. Wolfgang Fritzsche. Jun/1966, p. 116.

Frýdek-Místek [Frydek-Mistek]

- 1965

Historical anniversaries of Bohenian towns. Frank J. Kosik. May/1965, p. 77.

Fůgner, Jindřich. 1822-1865 [Fugner, Jindrich]

Jindřich Fugner. Guy Greenawalt, Frank J. Kovarik. Dec/1945, p. 69.

- 1938. 10th Sokol Summer Games

Sokols in philately. Alois Jičínský. Nov/1950, p. 115.

XX American Sokol Slet in Detriot, MI. Anne Eisner. Jul/Aug/2001, p. 30.

Fulfillment Services (see Numismatic Fulfillment Services; Philatelic Fulfillment Services.)

Fürthova, Eva [Furthova, Eva] (see Artists - Fürthova, Eva.)