L and J Consulting

Try it, you'll like it. Sep/Oct/2001, p. 9.

LaBrie, Maurice

Letters to the editor. Mar/1979, p. 37.

Lacko, Joseph M.

Golden helmet of Czechoslovakia. Mar/1965, p. 36.

Košice marathon. May/Jun/2001, p. 19.

- As Translator

Czechoslovak airmail stamps from 1930 used in postal transfers of airmail covers to Asia. Sep/Oct/2000, p. 22.

Slovenský Stát 1939 overprint and airmail to foreign lands. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 25.

Ladd, V.

- As Translator

Slovakia field post, 1941-1944. Mar/1971, p. 33.

Landis, Donald A.

Prague, an unspoiled philatelic paradise. Jan/Feb/2002, p. 11.

Langhammer, Miroslav

1993- birth of the Czech post and Czech postage stamps. Jan/Feb/2007, p. 10.

Automated handling of letter mail in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. Sep/Oct/2000, p. 36.

Langner, František [Langner, Frantisek]

Tenth anniversary. Oct/1947, p. 75.

Lapusnik, Radek

O.J. Simpson of Czech philately. Sep/Oct/2007, p. 9.

Larsen, Evald

100 heller Hradčany - author's reply. Apr/1982, p. 6.

Lauer, Robert

Additional identifying characteristics for printings of the 3 haler Hradčany. Fall/2020, p. 7.

Cancelled Czech: the re-Germanization of six town cancellers in inter-war Czechslovakia. Summer/2020, p. 8.

Hradčany postal stationery postcards. Spring/2020, p. 4.

Hradčany postal stationery postcards (Part 2). Summer/2020, p. 18.

Pošta Československá 1919 forgery. Winter/2024, p. 2.

Lawrence, Federick P

Scout stamps bring extraordinary prices. Summer/2023, p. 2.

Lawrence, Frederick P

1918 Austria free frank - Czech Scout Post covers to the National Council. Fall/2020, p. 25.

Continuing stidy of 1918 Austria free frank - Czech Scout Post covers to the National Council. Spring/2022, p. 11.

Czech Scout post 10h transitional Masaryk overprints. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 22.

Czech Scout post covers from the presidium of the council of ministers. Jan/Feb/2000, p. 22.

Czechoslovak exhibits at BALPEX 2000. Nov/Dec/2000, p. 7.

Genuineness of entires with stamps of the delivery service of czech scouts. Jan/Feb/1992, p. 4.

Philatelic news and views. Nov/Dec/2004, p. 14.

Philatelic souvenir of the 1918 Czech Scout Post. Spring/2021, p. 8.

Postal cards of the Czech scout post to private persons. Jul/Aug/1999, p. 22.

Telegrams of the Czech scout post with 10h Masaryk overprints. Nov/Dec/1999, p. 30.

Updates to the classics corner. Winter/2018, p. 19; Winter/2020, p. 26; Spring/2018, p. 3; Spring/2019, p. 16; Summer/2018, p. 8; Fall/2018, p. 4.

Lehecka, Edwin W.

1980 Scott's increases 32% of Czech issues. Feb/1980, p. 9.

1981 Scott's increases 46% of first republic issues. Jan/1981, p. 9.

2002 financial statement. Jul/Aug/2003, p. 25.

Philatelic news and views. Mar/Apr/2003, p. 30; Jul/Aug/2003, p. 22.

Report of the treasurer. Mar/Apr/1993, p. 17.

SEPAD - the society's first annual major event. Jun/1989, p. 3.

Society now offers full expertization service. Apr/1981, p. 4.

Stamp World London 90. Aug/Sep/1990, p. 10.

Leib, Otto S.

Czechoslovakia on stamps. Nov/1960, p. 140; Dec/1960, p. 152.

Leis, Ivan

Metered mail of Czechoslovakia. Jan/1983, p. 4.

Leitenberger, Frederick

Handbook of Czechoslovakian postmarks of Austrian and Hungarian origin. Jan/1972, p. 7; Feb/1972, p. 21; Mar/1972, p. 39; Apr/1972, p. 53; May/1970, p. 69; Sep/1971, p. 71; May/1972, p. 71; Jun/1970, p. 87; Oct/1971, p. 89; Nov/1971, p. 103; Dec/1971, p. 119; Nov/1970, p. 135.

Lewy, Edgar

Czech currency reform and stamps. Sep/1953, p. 104.

Czechs solicit opinions of their stamps. Jun/1964, p. 90.

Liebermann, Hartmut

Philatelic news and views. Nov/Dec/2008, p. 28.

Lindquist, H.L.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society commemorates its fifteenth anniversary. Jun/1954, p. 83.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of North America. Jun/1947, p. 55.

First cover from Czechoslovakia. Oct/1945, p. 50.

Linn's Stamp News [Journal]

Czechoslovakia adds ten values depicting heraldry. May/1970, p. 66.

New web site provides guide to experts' marks/background. Mar/Apr/2004, p. 31.

Philatelic news and views. Jul/Aug/2006, p. 27; Sep/Oct/2003, p. 31.

Lipa, Karel

Czechoslovak Judaica. Feb/1971, p. 25.

PRAGA 78 Helicopter Cover. May/1979, p. 86.

Livingston, Richard P.

President's corner. May/Jun/2009, p. 1; Jul/Aug/2008, p. 1.

Some thoughts on visiting ESPANA 2006. Mar/Apr/2007, p. 20.

Loegel, F. M.

Development of the postal stationery of Czechoslovakia, 1918 and 1945. Apr/1950, p. 52.

Lowey, Hedy

Letter from Mrs. Hedy Lowey. Jan/1947, p. 1.

To my dear friends of Czechoslovak philately. Jun/1949, p. 72.

Lowey, Joseph W.

Artists and designs. Sep/1942, p. 2.

Call goes out for volunteer workers. Jun/1939, p. 5.

Canadian vacation. Jun/1940, p. 1.

Commemorative postmarks of Czechoslovakia. Jul/1948, p. 80.

Commemorative postmarks of Czechoslovakia and their historical background. Feb/1941, p. 3; Mar/1941, p. 2; Apr/1941, p. 6; Apr/1941, p. 7; May/1941, p. 4; Jun/1941, p. 4.

Convention date is set for June 17. Jun/1939, p. 5.

Czech names appear in U.S. town cancellations. Nov/1939, p. 3.

Czecho-Slovak army field posts. Dec/1941, p. 4.

Czecho-Slovak listings on Scott's are unchanged. Jul/1939, p. 2.

Czechoslovak army in England. May/1943, p. 1; Jun/1943, p. 1; Jun/1944, p. 2; Sep/1941, p. 3; Sep/1943, p. 6.

Czechoslovak commemorative postmarks. May/1946, p. 39.

Czechoslovak field posts in France, 1939-1940. Dec/1947, p. 101.

Czechoslovakia. Nov/1942, p. 2.

Editorial. Apr/1942, p. 1.

From the secretary. May/1945, p. 29.

Hebrew postmarks of Czechoslovakia. Jun/1943, p. 5; Jun/1943, p. 5.

Hope is seen for philatelic future. May/1939, p. 1.

How they started. May/1940, p. 2.

Hradčany issue of Czechoslovakia of 1918. Jan/1940, p. 3; Feb/1940, p. 6; May/1940, p. 4; Jun/1940, p. 3; Jul/1940, p. 3; Aug/1940, p. 3; Sep/1940, p. 4; Dec/1939, p. 4.

I am a specialist. May/1942, p. 3.

In memoriam. Jun/1939, p. 5.

Military postal history of Czechoslovakia. Jan/1945, p. 3; Jan/1945, p. 6; Feb/1945, p. 12; Sep/1944, p. 4; Oct/1944, p. 5; Nov/1944, p. 2; Dec/1944, p. 4; Dec/1944, p. 5; Dec/1944, p. 8.

Mourning cancellations. Dec/1948, p. 133.

Mrs Lowey in hospital. Jun/1939, p. 4.

Mystery? Oct/1943, p. 2.

Names and men behind guarantee marks. Jul/1940, p. 1.

New York convention. Jun/1941, p. 1.

News and views. Jan/1946, p. 2; Feb/1946, p. 11; Mar/1946, p. 19; Mar/1946, p. 19; May/1946, p. 34; Dec/1945, p. 68.

News from Czechoslovakia. Oct/1945, p. 51.

Newsy harvest is gleaned from the society activities. Jun/1939, p. 3.

Overprints. Jul/1939, p. 3.

Protectorate issues. Oct/1945, p. 52.

Rarity discovered in new overprints. Sep/1939, p. 1.

Regarding the Czech field posts in England. Dec/1941, p. 2.

Secretary's notes. May/1939, p. 2.

September crisis brings flood of counterfeits. Jun/1939, p. 4.

Sudeten surcharges and overprints. Jun/1942, p. 3.

Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. Sep/1943, p. 7.

Transition postmarks of Czechoslovakia. Feb/1940, p. 3.

Trip to Chicago. Jun/1944, p. 2.

- As Reviewer

News and views [Lehovec Catalogue]. Sep/1946, p. 52.

Lucas, Bernard

Letters to the editor. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 42.

Ludlow, William G.

Plate varieties - 1h Hradčany value, plate no. 1. Apr/1962, p. 55.

Lukáš, Jan [Lukas, Jan]

Field post in France during WW I. Mar/1981, p. 1.