Žampach, František [Zampach, Frantisek]

Agriculture and Science Issue of 1923 -- further retouches. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 12.

Drawing revisions on 1Kč TGM stamp. Jun/1984, p. 3.

Identification of postmarks used during the International Olympic Congress of 1925. Jun/1973, p. 84.

Oldest special postal cancellations from Brno. Nov/Dec/1999, p. 15.

PRAGA 1938 was not the first! Sep/Oct/1999, p. 16.

Retouches on the 20h newspaper stamps 27 and 28 falcon in flight, 1918-1920. Jan/1971, p. 1.

Žampach Brothers [Zampach Brothers]

Philatelic delemma. May/1964, p. 72.

Retouches on the newspaper stamps - flying falcon, 1918-1920. May/1965, p. 67.