Page, William Alec

Czechoslovak exiled forces - World War II. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 5.

Czechoslovaks in the Antartic. Jul/Aug/1996, p. 11.

Dolfa Bartošík, 1907-1989, designér of special cancellers. May/Jun/1992, p. 10.

More on Preissig recruiting cards. Nov/Dec/1995, p. 6.

More on Vojtech Preissig. Mar/Apr/1995, p. 11.

Olomouc-Prague railway centenary. Nov/Dec/1996, p. 6.

Two views of POLSKA 93. Jul/Aug/1993, p. 15.

War artist - Jindřich Křeček. Sep/Oct/1995, p. 10.

- As Reviewer

Censorship - World War II [Civil And military censorship during World War II - postal history]. Jan/Feb/1994, p. 23.

Palaschak, Richard G

1920 Masaryk issue. Spring/2015, p. 1.

1920 Masaryk issue (Part 2). Summer/2015, p. 21.

Another cover with surprises. Summer/2021, p. 4.

Czechoslovak paqueboat cover. Spring/2018, p. 27.

Czechoslovaks in England during World War II. Winter/2019, p. 4.

Discovering the story behind a cover. Fall/2020, p. 11.

First flight that never flew. Summer/2020, p. 28.

Latest additions. Jul/Aug/1991, p. 21.

Letters to the editor. Sep/Oct/2003, p. 33.

Library notes. May/Jun/1996, p. 22; Nov/Dec/1991, p. 20; Nov/Dec/1992, p. 22.

More books and latest rules. May/Jun/1992, p. 21.

More library notes. Mar/Apr/1992, p. 22.

Pennsylvania in 2004. Mar/Apr/2004, p. 1.

Perfin study group update. Winter/2022, p. 12.

Perfins in the lands of Czechoslovakia. Spring/2020, p. 3.

Philatelic news and views. May/Jun/2002, p. 37; May/Jun/2003, p. 30; May/Jun/2006, p. 27; Jul/Aug/2003, p. 24; Jul/Aug/2008, p. 29; Nov/Dec/2005, p. 38.

President's corner. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 9; Mar/Apr/2002, p. 7; Jul/Aug/2001, p. 3; Nov/Dec/1999, p. 25.

Romanian Army units in Slovakia during World War II. Winter/2021, p. 7.

Rules and regulations. Jan/Feb/1995, p. 24.

Sale of unbound Specialists. Jan/Feb/2001, p. 36; Mar/Apr/2000, p. 32.

SCP library catalog. May/Jun/1994, p. 25.

SCP library rules and regulations. Mar/Apr/2002, p. 24.

SCP Perfin study group. Summer/2020, p. 26.

Slovak field post during World War II. Spring/2021, p. 13.

Unexpected twist. Summer/2021, p. 9.

WESTPEX 2003. Jan/Feb/2003, p. 1; Mar/Apr/2003, p. 1.

WW II officer POW camps in Czechoslovakia. Spring/2019, p. 4.

Palic, Vladimír [Palic, Vladimir]

Czechoslovak flag. Sep/1943, p. 1.

Palkoska, Vratislav.

Czechoslovak army field post in 1938. Mar/Apr/2000, p. 1.

Family camp with six months quarantine. Nov/Dec/1991, p. 10.

Field posts of Czechoslovak soldiers, 1936-1945. Apr/1972, p. 49.

Prisoners of an undeclared war. Oct/1988, p. 5.

Pallini, Michele

Letters to the editor. May/Jun/2006, p. 28; Sep/Oct/1999, p. 40.

Panitsa, K.

Letters to the editor. May/Jun/2009, p. 10.

Papoušek, Jaroslav [Papousek, Jaroslav]

Mystery of one rare Czech postcard. Mar/1968, p. 46.

Unusual provisional Czech entire. Jan/1968, p. 12.

Patrick, Michele M.

Background of the Jewish relics issue. Nov/Dec/1994, p. 10.

How Lidice survived the death wish. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 8.

Philatelic tour of legendary Prague. Mar/Apr/1996, p. 17; Jul/Aug/1995, p. 3; Sep/Oct/1995, p. 16.

Paulíček, Břetislav [Paulicek, Bretislav]

Padělky československých poštovních známek, 1918-1939 [Title varies]. Jan/1966, p. 7; Feb/1966, p. 27; Mar/1965, p. 39; Mar/1966, p. 47; Apr/1965, p. 55; Apr/1966, p. 67; May/1965, p. 71; May/1966, p. 87; Jun/1965, p. 87; Jun/1966, p. 107; Sep/1965, p. 109; Sep/1966, p. 129; Oct/1965, p. 127; Oct/1966, p. 147; Nov/1965, p. 147; Nov/1966, p. 147; Dec/1965, p. 167; Dec/1966, p. 163.

Pearce, Clarence Joseph

100 red of Czechoslovakia. Jan/1964, p. 17.

15 haler Hradčany - unretouched spiral. Apr/1978, p. 49.

2h and 5h special delivery of 1919. Apr/1975, p. 49; May/1975, p. 71; Jun/1975, p. 95.

l0h special delivery of 1919. Dec/1975, p. 153.

Plate varieties - 1h Hradčany value, plate no. 1. Apr/1962, p. 55.

Plate varieties of Czechoslovakia no. 1. May/1946, p. 36.

William G. Ludlow. Nov/1959, p. 142.

Pearson, George

Letters to the editor. Mar/1964, p. 47.

Pesak, K.F.

Czechoslovak postal cancellations during Nazi occupation. Mar/1980, p. 8.

Postmarks of the Czechoslovak field post in England and their varieties. Mar/1980, p. 11.

Petrášek, Jaroslav [Petrasek, Jaroslav]

Košice Marathon. Dec/1983, p. 1.

Postal stationery for frank-free postal communication. Apr/1989, p. 13.

Postal stationery for frank free usage. Nov/1984, p. 1.

Pfeifer, Herbert

Letters to the editor. Nov/Dec/2000, p. 37.

Phillips, Joseph B.

Tales from Czechoslovakia. Dec/1948, p. 135.

Pittermann, Pavel

Exhibits Of Czechoslovakia at world exposition - POLSKA 93. Sep/Oct/1993, p. 3; Nov/Dec/1993, p. 12.

Genuineness of entires with stamps of the delivery service of czech scouts. Jan/Feb/1992, p. 4.

Hradčany 15h - whaťs the shade? Sep/Oct/1998, p. 17.

International seminar on expertizing activity. Jan/Feb/2000, p. 11.

Jan Karásek awarded the Hunziker medal. Jul/Aug/1999, p. 29.

Obituary. May/Jun/1998, p. 34.

Open letter. May/Jun/2004, p. 11.

- As Reviewer

T.G.M. 1923. Mar/Apr/2009, p. 21.

Placheta, Jan

Perforated champions -- Czech stamps are among the best in the world. May/Jun/2005, p. 26.


Auction of postage stamps held by the Postal Philatelic Service (POFIS) in Prague on Nov. 15 and 16, 1969. Feb/1971, p. 28; Sep/1970, p. 109; Oct/1970, p. 118.

Pohlig, Gustav A.

Final tribute to Fritzsche. Sep/Oct/1994, p. 12.

German POW covers from Czechoslovakia. Feb/1984, p. 13; Apr/May/1984, p. 17.

Polisenský, Miroslav [Polisensky, Miroslav]

100th anniversary of the founding of postal savings banks in the former Austro-Hungarian empire. Jan/1983, p. 1.

Index of Bruges and its relation to the postal history of Bohemian lands. Jan/1982, p. 4.

Polla, Belo

150th anniversary of Dr. Stefan Moyses, Ph.D. Feb/1948, p. 15.

Povondra, Dennis

Philatelic news and views. Mar/Apr/2005, p. 11.

Praeger, Carl M.

- As Translator

Teresienstadt, a philatelic study. Feb/1967, p. 23.

PRAGA 2008 Organizing Committee

PRAGA 2008: The world stamp exhibition. Jan/Feb/2008, p. 10.

Praga World Postage Stamp Exhibition

From the history of the Prague post office. Nov/1962, p. 135.

Prague Post [Journal]

Philatelic news and views. Spring/2010, p. 23; Fall/2010, p. 21.

Prochazka, Jaroslav

Postal use of the 60h Hradčany stamp with HZ 13 3/4 : 13 1/2 perforations. Summer/2015, p. 16.

Ptacovsky, Klement

Czechoslovakia air mail stamps of 1946-1949. Jun/1958, p. 86.

Postal service in Slovakia. Dec/1963, p. 153.

Punch [Journal]

From glutinous wash to curious smear. Mar/1967, p. 46.

Pytlíček, Ludvik [Pytlicek, Ludvik]

Hradčany 25h compound perforated. Jan/1986, p. 8.

Pytlíček on forgeries. Feb/1986, p. 3; Mar/1986, p. 1.